Educate before you Recreate

Editorials (Blog)

Read the latest Editorials (posts) related to the artform of locking and culture...

This page will be updated in the coming months

The Social Era!

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What is a Social Party?

torsdag 19 maj 2022
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The development of an dance art form

onsdag 11 maj 2022
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Social party vs commercial Locking

torsdag 5 maj 2022
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The simularities Parallels between the Music and Dance

torsdag 24 juni 2010

The Performance & Entertainment Era!

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Is there politics in Locking?

torsdag 19 maj 2022
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Social party vs commercial Locking

torsdag 5 maj 2022

Battle Era!

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Is there politics in Locking?

torsdag 19 maj 2022
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Who won that battle?

onsdag 11 maj 2022
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The “Streetstyle” Locking Battle

torsdag 5 maj 2022


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torsdag 30 mars 2023
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Why are so many pioneers and OGs so protective of African American Culture?

torsdag 19 maj 2022
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Is there politics in Locking?

torsdag 19 maj 2022
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The quest for dance enlightenment

torsdag 19 maj 2022
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Who won that battle?

onsdag 11 maj 2022


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Why are so many pioneers and OGs so protective of African American Culture?

torsdag 19 maj 2022
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Is there politics in Locking?

torsdag 19 maj 2022
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The quest for dance enlightenment

torsdag 19 maj 2022
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When is Cultral Preservation Playing the Race Card?

torsdag 19 maj 2022
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The Streetdance glossery

torsdag 5 maj 2022


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Interview with Steve “SugarFoot” Notario

onsdag 11 maj 2022
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Interview with Jeffrey “Shoutout” Daniel

torsdag 5 maj 2022
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Interview with “Sinbad”

torsdag 5 maj 2022

All Posts

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Questions & Answers

tisdag 18 juli 2023
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torsdag 30 mars 2023
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Why are so many pioneers and OGs so protective of African American Culture?

torsdag 19 maj 2022
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Is there politics in Locking?

torsdag 19 maj 2022
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What is a Social Party?

torsdag 19 maj 2022
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The quest for dance enlightenment

torsdag 19 maj 2022
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When is Cultral Preservation Playing the Race Card?

torsdag 19 maj 2022
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Interview with Steve “SugarFoot” Notario

onsdag 11 maj 2022
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Who won that battle?

onsdag 11 maj 2022
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The development of an dance art form

onsdag 11 maj 2022
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Social party vs commercial Locking

torsdag 5 maj 2022
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The Streetdance glossery

torsdag 5 maj 2022
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How did locking spread

torsdag 5 maj 2022
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The “Streetstyle” Locking Battle

torsdag 5 maj 2022
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Interview with Jeffrey “Shoutout” Daniel

torsdag 5 maj 2022
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Interview with “Sinbad”

torsdag 5 maj 2022
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What does Funk or Funky really mean?

måndag 12 maj 2014
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The simularities Parallels between the Music and Dance

torsdag 24 juni 2010
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The terms or Dances Locking,Roboting & “PopLocking” valid

fredag 28 augusti 2009